This title sequence, titled "Abduction," is a concept design based on a novel that unveils the chilling discovery of a young boy's death. The sequence uses hues of blues and blacks to emphasize the hostile atmosphere from the perspectives of both the killer and the victim. The killer, who turns out to be the boy's aunt, driven by jealousy of her sister's ability to bear children, kidnaps the boy and closely monitors his activities. The lingering question remains: will she get caught, or will the unthinkable aunt escape justice?
Music: Lucifers Waltz, creator unknown.
Footage: Free Stock footage from Videvo and Pexels
Footage: Free Stock footage from Videvo and Pexels
From the start of the project, I wanted to create mystery through abstraction. So, I reformed footage to look abstract but enough to notice what objects where being used. The double mirror effect represents the switch between the victim (the boy) and the killer (the aunt). The text effect was used as a secondary complement to the footage to create abstraction and curiosity that would hint the audience what the film was about. Some challenges I faced were correcting the film's blue hue effect and keeping it constant. I solved this by slowly changing and making sure my properties of color where all the same and altered the ones that needed more color.