A Palé is a concept design created for an entertainment piece for Rosalía's concert screens. The main idea was to create a kinetic motion that went along with the song, but also had the visual effects to create something exciting and fun. The kinetic motion includes a mixture of vibrant colors and unique textures to keep the eye moving and initially keep the viewer entertained every second. Inspired by my Hispanic background, I choose this song as a way to express myself what Spanish music looks and feels like in my mind.
Along with my process, it is shown in short gifs and still images. I first began with creating my mood board I wanted to emphasis the fast rhythm of the music and wanted to translate those sounds through texture, effect, and color. At the end of create my three variation of mood boards I decided to fuse mood board number one
(far left) with mood board number three (far right).
(far left) with mood board number three (far right).

1. Mood Board

2. Mood Board

3. Mood Board
My next process of this was to create images on photoshop and incorporate how I wanted the start, middle, and end frames of the project. I began with the background and added type and from there I would decide if I could image this image move and began wondering how will it move and created sketches for each image on the movement I imagined it moving. I had challenges with the type and what I should use and began to wonder what was too much and what wasn't enough? Another issues that occurred was showing enough textures and adding perspective. Overall, I went with a more cleaner and legible approachable look and made it a goal that this artwork would display accelerating visuals with a clean eye catching approach.

My next process was figuring out how I wanted the images I created to move. I did this by imagining the movement and words that where spoken and processed that through pencil movement. Then I started search for effects like the CC Lens effect and distortion effects to bring my imagination to life. From there I focused on transitions and making sure every element that was included in the image was used properly and was in sync with the rhythm of the beat. I did this by making key marks on the audio on every beat and major beat I could find and made sure the key frames where alined with it.

Gif 1

Gif 2

Gif 3

Gif 4
Lastly, I included the lyrics of the song with simple type with no color effects. I created each word to have different forms, effects, and transition into the main screen to keep the eye move. An issues that occurred was figuring out what effects was acceptable to use that blends well with the effects of the background. I solved this issue by using the same effects that where used in the background background but added more custom transitions and different ways to distort the type, making them all type look similar but move differently.

Gif 1

Gif 2

Gif 3